Introducing our New Bottling Line


Due to all the overwhelming love and support for NORT, we decided that we needed to up our production game. It’s finally time to introduce our brand new bottling and canning line! Sourced from all over the world including Italy and Germany, this line has finally hit aussie soil and it’s an absolute dream come true for the team at NORT. 



Our new bottling and canning line has the capacity to do 6,000 cans AND bottles per hour. This is huge for us as our old line could only produce 2,500 cans per hour. What does this mean for you? More beers of course!  

This fully automated power machine also has the ability to label and fill cans and bottles, cluster wrap both 4 and 6 packs, has an automatic incline fill height detection and weight checking and rejection system AND can stock those pallets itself. This new addition to our facility allows us to focus deeply on our passion, brewing incredible tasting non-alc beer. Our brewers are worrying less about packaging, and more on brewing delicious beer for all of you! 


Want to see it in person? Why not book a brewery tour! Click the link here to book now.


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